Build a Better Buffer

Build a Better Buffer

Protect water quality and property value with a good buffer

Are you concerned about algae blooms or erosion on your shorefront property? Whether you live next to a stream, lake, pond, estuary, or ocean, your landscaping choices can make a big difference for water quality and the resilience of your shoreline.

One of the most important things every property owner can do is to have a great buffer between home and lawn and any water. Join Director of Education and Citizen Science Sarah Gladu to learn how.

Be sure to scroll down for further resources as well!

Recorded on September 22, 2020 in Damariscotta, Maine.

Further resources

Maine DEP and Shoreland Zoning

On limiting run-off and living lightly on the water

Where to find good information on planting methods, native plants and related topics

See more from Coastal Rivers

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