Please check out these videos featuring Coastal Rivers staff and projects.
Moves Like Thought: Building a Birch Bark Canoe
In April 2017, Steve Cayard partnered with Damariscotta River Association (now Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust) and Lincoln Academy to construct a traditional Wabanaki birch bark canoe. Read more about the project here.
The Making of a Wigwam
In spring of 2016, Passamaquoddy educator David Moses Bridges and his friend Steve Cayard built a traditional wigwam at Coastal Rivers Great Salt Bay Farm. Thanks to Lincoln County Television and videographer/producer Tam Green, you can watch the process unfold! Features music by Hawk Henries.
The Making of a Wigwam from LCTV on Vimeo.
Camp Mummichog Music & Nature’s Concert
A “Young Composers Showcase” concert was held on August 7 in Darrows Barn at Round Top Farm. This was the fourth year that DRA and Salt Bay Chamberfest collaborated on the Music & Nature Camp at DRA (now Coastal Rivers). The camp concluded with this performance of nine new works of nature-inspired music composed by the children and played by Salt Bay Chamberfest musicians. Watch the entire concert thanks to Coastal Rivers Volunteer Tam Green who produced this video for local television station LCTV.
Young Composers Inspired by Nature 2015 from LCTV on Vimeo.
Seal Cove Shore Preserve
With the help of exceptional volunteers, videographer Peter McDougall produced a short video about the Seal Cove Shore Preserve trail in South Bristol, highlighting the multiple roles that conserved lands play in the community.
- Inscription: The Staff and Trustees of the Damariscotta River Association dedicate this video in memory of Robert G. Gardner (1925 – 2014), “intrepid filmmaker,” lover of trails, and friend of the Damariscotta River, who – with his family – played a central role in protecting Seal Cove Shore Preserve.
Health of the Damariscotta River
Featuring Coastal Rivers Director of Education and Environmental Monitoring Sarah Gladu.
“How Healthy is the Damariscotta River Estuary?” from LCTV on Vimeo.
Great Salt Bay Farm Under Snow (Photo Montage by Natasha Salvo)