Online program with Tom Wessels

Online program with Tom Wessels

Reading the Forested Landscape

Join author and terrestrial ecologist Tom Wessels for an online program on interpreting the history of the woodlands — whether they were once open agricultural land, impacted by wind events, fires, or logging — as well as unique plant adaptations and interesting coevolved interrelationships among the woodland species we might encounter.

Recorded on November 1, 2022 in Damariscotta, Maine.

About Tom Wessels

Tom is professor emeritus at Antioch University where he founded the master’s degree program in Conservation Biology. As a terrestrial ecologist he has worked in forest, desert, arctic, and alpine ecosystems. Tom is the author of numerous books, with his latest being New England’s Roadside Ecology: Explore 30 of the Region’s Unique Natural Areas. He has conducted workshops on ecology, natural history, and sustainability throughout the country for over three decades.

Photo courtesy of Tom Wessels.