John and Peg Sproul Preserve

Length: 0.7 mi.


  • easy
  • moderate

Permitted Use:

Managing organization: Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust


On the east side of Old County Road (across from the parking area), a gentle 0.2 mile loop winds along the northwest shore of Ross Pond and through mature forest. At the north end of the loop is a stream where resident beavers have built dams, forming ponds.

On the west side of the road a second loop trail, 0.5 miles long, leads down to a small sandy beach at the southern end of Boyd Pond. Parts of the trail are steep and feature lovely moss and fern covered rock ledges. This is prime porcupine habitat and you may glimpse evidence of one or more inhabitants among the ledges.

Directions to Trailhead:

From Damariscotta, take the Bristol Road (state Route 130) 9.9 miles to Old County Road at the Bristol Library. Turn left on Old County Road and travel about 1.5 miles; preserve parking will be on your left. NOTE: Old County Road turns to dirt after the Carpenter’s Boat Shop and can be impassable in winter and mud season. It is possible to park at the Crooked Farm Preserve trailhead (on the left just before the Carpenter’s Boat Shop) and walk in to Sproul Preserve (about 0.7 miles).

Preserve Guidelines:

Please click here for guidelines to this preserve.

>> Download a printable version of the preserve map here.

map of Crooked Farm and Sproul Preserves