Length: 2.4 miles
- moderate
Permitted Use:
Pemaquid Watershed Association (now Coastal Rivers) accepted the 120-acre La Verna Preserve as a formal transfer from The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in 2009. The preserve was acquired in three parts between 1965 and 1973. Dr. Elizabeth Hoyt and her sister, Mrs. Anna Mavor, donated a 30-acre parcel; their family trust, the La Verna Foundation, donated a 55-acre parcel; and The Nature Conservancy purchased the remaining 34-acre parcel at the southwest end of the preserve.
Managing organization: Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust
Trails: La Verna Preserve features the Hoyt Trail (0.6 mi), which follows the right
-of-way across from the parking area, Main Trail (0.6 mi), Ellis Trail (0.8 mi), and Tibbitts Trail (0.7 mi). In addition, the entire rocky coastline of the preserve is walkable at all tides and affords panoramic views of outer Muscongus Bay and the islands.
Except for the sedge meadows and shrub swamps along Meadow Brook, the preserve is almost entirely forested. Oak-Northern hardwoods forest is the most widespread natural community on the preserve. This mixed upland type is dominated by red oak, red maple and varying amounts of red spruce, white birch and white pine. There is a vibrant vernal pool by the trail. Other important wildlife habitat is found throughout the preserve.
Directions to Trailhead:
582 Route 32, Bristol
Take Route 32 south from Round Pond. Go 3.5 miles south of the Round Pond Post Office (which is the same as 3 miles north of New Harbor Center). Notice Ocean Hill cemetery on your right. Soon after the cemetery, there is a parking area for the preserve on the right (west side of road). The trail begins directly across Route 32 from the parking lot.
Preserve Guidelines:
Please click here for guidelines to this preserve.
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