Mills Overlook Preserve

Length: 1 mile


  • moderate

Permitted Use:

The Mills Overlook Preserve exists today thanks to a generous gift from Anne (Nancy) Booth, who donated the 17-acre property to Damariscotta River Association in 1999. Her love of the land and an appreciation of its place in the history of her family and community led her to seek the assistance of DRA (now Coastal Rivers) in ensuring that it would forever be protected and made accessible to the public.

Managing organizations: Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust

Trail Description:

An easy to moderate one mile loop trail connects two of the Damariscotta region’s most cherished and historic landmarks: the St. Patricks Church and the Damariscotta Mills Alewife Fish Ladder. A highlight of the trail is the Mills Overlook itself – a rocky outcropping that features vistas of the fish ladder shed and landing area below, a church spire and old homes in the village along the Mills Road below, the north end of the Great Salt Bay, beautiful old farms and a distant view of the Camden Hills.

Directions to Trailhead:

The preserve is located in the heart of Damariscotta Mills, roughly bounded by Austin Road, Mills Road and Academy Hill Road. The official trailhead is off of Academy Hill Road opposite Saint Patrick’s Church, a short distance from Route 215. The church has kindly granted permission for walkers to park in their lower lot (back right as you face the church).

Preserve Guidelines:

Please click here for guidelines to this preserve.

>> Download a printable version of the preserve map here.

Map of the Mills Overlook Preserve trail