Stratton Island

Length: < 0.75 miles


  • easy

Permitted Use:

Stratton Island was one of Coastal Rivers’ (then DRA’s) very first acquisitions. The 28-acre island was a gift of the late Ann Stratton in 1988. The Strattons of Shreveport, Louisiana traveled to Maine every summer and until 1938 made Hodgdon’s their “menigawum,” which according to family tradition means “island home.” They kept a cow and built a large log cabin on the land. Sign of their habitation can still be seen, but, save for a well-defined foot trail, the human presence has faded into the background.

Managing organizations: Coastal Rivers

Trail Description

Both eagles and osprey have nested on the island in recent years. Please steer clear of their nests, especially between April and July. Coastal Rivers has granted permission to the Maine Island Trail Association to list the island for day use.

Directions to Trailhead

Stratton Island, called Hodgson’s or Hodgdon’s on the charts, lies at the north end of Seal Cove on the Damariscotta River in South Bristol. Access is most reliable at Boat House Beach on the northeast end of the island. Keep an eye on the tides!

Preserve Guidelines

Please click here for guidelines to this preserve.

>> Download a printable version of the preserve map here.

map of Stratton Island