Jr. Naturalists After-School Program
After-school active, hands-on learning in a safe outdoor environment. Come after school for a week or two, or all month long, and work on your outdoor skills! We’ll explore Salt Bay Farm, practice finding our way with a map and compass, play games, tap maple trees, discover things to eat in the wild, and work on fun art projects.
March 2023: On weekdays from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m, in week-long sessions, for ages 6-11. Fee: $80, or $60 for members at the Mussel level or above (pro-rated for shorter weeks). Scholarships are available. The program is held at Coastal Rivers Nature Center at 110 Belvedere Road. The Nature Center is on bus routes from local schools.
Register for individual week-long sessions here:
Week 1 (March 1-3)
Week 2 (March 6-10)
Week 3 (March 13-15)
Week 4 (March 20-24)
Week 5 (March 27-31)
Scholarships are available for all programs.
Kids in the woods photo by Kris Christine.